Kale Group is 63 years old

Kale Group just celebrated its 63th anniversary.

Kale Group celebrated its 63th anniversary by remote access this year due to corona-virus precautions.

Chairman of Kale Group and CEO Zeynep Bodur Okyay gave an opening speech at the ceremony held in Kale Ceramics Plants located in Çanakkale on 27 July 2020 and said the following: “This July 27th is the celebration of the foundations that we laid, the steps we took in thousands and ten-thousands and the distance we covered. It is a festival of progress through industry and production in Anatolia; a festival of solidarity, commitment, loyalty and hope as we poured our heart and efforts on the soil itself.”

After the conclusion of the ceremony, which was hosted under the moderatorship of journalist Cem Seymen, some of the Kale Group employees were awarded with seniority and they were celebrated with remote access.  

To watch the Ceramics Festival celebration, which was held under the concept "Here Together”: