Zeynep Bodur Okyay

Chairwoman of Kale Group Executive Board and CEO

She was born in İstanbul in 1964. After completing Italian High School in 1985, she graduated from the Department of Business Administration in İstanbul Technical University in 1989. She joined the graduate administrator training program in Harvard University between years 1990 and 1992. 

She served in various posts as the executive candidate in the production unit of Çanakkale Ceramic Factories in Çan district of Çanakkale in 1992 – 1993.  She worked in production-planning, production management units. She was promoted to Membership and Chairwomanship of Marketing Companies Executive Board of Kale Group in 1995. She has been working as the Chairwoman and CEO of Executive Board of Kale Group since July 2007. 

Zeynep Bodur Okyay is working actively in executive boards of many non-governmental organizations, foundations, associations and chambers. She is also Council Chairwoman of Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO), Deputy Chairperson of Economic Development Foundation (İKV), Member of the Executive Board of Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEİK), Coordinator Chief of DEİK EU Business Councils and President of DEİK Italy Business Council, member of Turkish Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association (TÜSİAD), Member of Turkish Education Foundation (TEV) Board of Trustees, Chairwoman of Ceramic and Refractory Council of Turkish Union of Chambers and Stock Exchange, and Deputy Chairwoman of Women Entrepreneurs Council of TOBB and functions in these positions actively. 

Zeynep Bodur Okyay was appointed the Chairwoman of C20  (CivilSociety) Executive Council under G20 Turkish Term Presidency. 

Zeynep Bodur Okyay contributed to establishment of Turkish  Rostrum in Harvard University with her works in the Association of Harvard Graduates which she is a founder of. 

Carrying out many activities by contributing to scientific, cultural and artistic life of Turkey within the body of Kale Group, Zeynep Bodur Okyay also presides Dr. İbrahim Bodur Kaleseramik Health and Social Aid Foundation.

Zeynep Bodur Okyay, who was honored by ''CavelierediLavora'' order in 2006 for her services and contributions to Turkish-Italian relations, was presented with "UfficialeOrdine al MeritodellaRepubblicaItaliana" senior state order in 2014.

She was entitled to FrancoNobili Award given within the scope of ‘Turkey in Europe’ in 2010 for the contributions she made in the relationships between Turkey and European Union countries. IN the same year, she was presented with the Turkish Grand National Assembly Outstanding Service Award, which is given by the Turkish Grand National Assembly to those providing outstanding service for their countries on national and international level, contributing to promotion of Turkey and welfare, education, happiness and social improvement of people. 

Speaking Italian and English, Zeynep Bodur Okyay is married to Osman Okyay, the Head of Technical Department of Kale Group Companies with one child.