Dr. (h.c.) İbrahim Bodur

Founder and Honorary President of Kale Group

İbrahim Bodur went to Yenice Primary School, completed his high school education in Balıkesir High School as a student of honor and went on to İstanbul American Robert Private School. 

He graduated from Department of Economics of Robert Private School with high achievement. He took the necessary programs in the United States of America, completed specialty of Business Administration and returned to home country in 1951. 

He founded Bodur-Eğinlioğlu Edirnekapı Cotton Yarn Factory at the end of 1951 with the partnership of his father and father-in-law. 

Believing that Turkey will develop through industrialization and this development should start from Anatolia, Bodur laid the foundations of the first ceramic tile factories of Turkey in 1957. Bodur turned the first-founded limited company, which then had 750 partners, into Çanakkale Ceramic Factories Corporation, which has 1200 partners today, thus establishing the first public company of Turkey with the participation of family members, employees, distributors and local people. 

İbrahim Bodur established Kale Group, which operated in many sectors such as ceramic, construction products, construction chemicals, defense and aviation, machinery and molding, energy, mining, transportation and informatics. 

He also established significant partnerships in both within and outside the country. He founded foreign partnerships with numerous prestigious organizations such as Siemens, Roca, General Electric and Pratt&Whitney. 

He joined the foundation activities of the first independent chamber of industry of Turkey, İstanbul Chamber of Industry in 1952. Elected as a council member of İstanbul Chamber of Industry in 1962, industrialist Bodur became a member General Assembly of Turkish Union of Chambers and Exchange Commodities (TOBB) in 1968 in representation of İstanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO) and a member of the Executive Board of the Union of Chambers and Exchange Commodities in 1969. Serving as the Chairman and Deputy Chairman in the Presidency Council of TOBB for 6 years from 1969 to 1975 Bodur was the Chairman of the General Assembly for two terms.

İbrahim Bodur was elected the Council Chairman of ISO in 1976. He remained in office for the longest period of time as the Council Chairman for 16 years uninterruptedly between 1976 and 1992. 

Providing important services to the Turkish industry and Turkish economy during his terms of office, İbrahim Bodur was among the founders of the Industry Council of Turkish Chamber of Industry in representation of the Turkish Union of Chambers and Exchange Commodities and Turkish Council of Foreign Economic Relations (DEIK). He also founded and presided for a long time the Turkish-Italian Business Council. 

One of the first six founders of Turkish Industry and Business Association (TUSIAD), Bodur took part in the administration of this organization for long years as well as the foundation of Turkish Economic Development Foundation (IKV) representing the Istanbul Chamber of Industry. 

He was honored in 2000 as the Honorary Member and Chairman of Istanbul Chamber of Industry.

İbrahim Bodur also continued his membership of Oyak General Assembly for 21 years in a row. 

During his professional life of over 65 years, he served in social and cultural fields and contributed to establishment of important foundations such as the Foundation of Istanbul Chamber of Industry, Turkish Heart Foundation and Turkish Foundation for Combating Erosion, Reforestation and Protection of Natural Habitats (TEMA). He also provided significant contributions and aid in education, health and social areas with Kale Seramik Foundation, which he founded himself. 

Bodur had primary schools, Anatolian high schools, vocational health high schools, vocational high schools, apprenticeship education centre and student dormitories built, earned our country numerous educational institutions, provided scholarships to tens of thousands of students and equipped thousands of unemployed people with jobs. 

İbrahim Bodur, who pioneered establishment of start-ups and capital in regions close to national resources and labor force apart from certain metropolitans starting from 1950s, started exportation of industrial products in 1962 enabling Turkish industry and products to be promoted abroad as well as within the country. 

Bodur got entitled to Czechoslovakia State Order in 1985, "Cavaliere del Lavoro" Italian State Order in 1985 again, Turkish Republic State Meritorious Service Medal in 1997 and Turkish Grand National Assembly Meritorious Service Award in 2006. 

He was presented with International Aldo Villa Award because of his contributions in the ceramic sector in 2007 by the Italian Ceramic Association. 

The title of honorary doctorate was bestowed upon him in 1994 by the Black Sea Technical University and in 1997 by 18 Mart University due to his commitment to our country, national and spiritual values, his faithful and humble personality and his important contributions and services in every sector. 

Poems written by İbrahim Bodur, who is interested in music and literature, were composed by prominent composers of Turkey and recorded in CD albums entitled Yıllarca and Miras. 

Contributing a great deal in development of Turkish industry, İbrahim Bodur passed away on May 23rd 2016.